Showing 24 Result(s)

Happy New… February!

Happy New… February! It is February the 1st. Christmas seems such a long way away – and New Year’s Eve and Those Resolutions is for most of us a bit of a vague memory. Or is it? If you have done the following things, you might be one of the few who are feeling rather …

Bubbles and bricks

Early in the summer I facilitated a lovely late-afternoon Lego Serious Play Session after work in the office of a colleague. We had a big clear table, with snacks in the middle, a few bottles of Prosecco and a pile of bricks. The Question we asked was: What would I like my business to look …

Knowing where you are going with Coaching

Coaching and goal-setting goes hand-in-hand. It is what makes the difference between an aimless wander around various topics of mutual interest to coach and client, versus an intentional journey aimed at reaching a specific pre-agreed goal. Goals can look very differently: defined by the needs of the individual, the company or changing circumstances. Goal-setting in …

Can you learn resilience?

  When I use the term “resilience” I like to refer to the ability people have of restoring shape and even become better after they received a knock from life. Like a little rubber squash ball that flattens out against the wall if it has been hit hard, it regains shape and bounces back, ready …
